Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What's Really Going On....

Apparently, I can't seem to access so here's the new blog I'm starting up....

Not to mention that I failed to get the damn DottyDotDot link OUT of Blogger..... So you'll have to ignore that..... Technical difficulties obviously.

Let's start with the basics.... I'm similar--I have grown since my last post on Unnecessarily Needed Commentary.  I'm doing my best to survive and now....I've got plans and games afoot!

But please, allow me to treat you to a book review for my first post for this blog so that we may start off on the right foot.....

Matched by Ally Condie

What would you do if you lived in a perfect society where everything you do is dictated by Officials that know you so well they can predict your actions?  What would you do if they determine when you work, where you work, where you live, what your name is, even when you die and who you'll marry?  What would you do if your perfect Match was selected for you?

Sounds perfect, right?  Not really, according to Cassia Maria Reyes.  There are some chinks in the armor, with rebellion in the Outer Provinces and every member of the Society carrying three tablets in a case.... blue for emergency sustenance, green to calm the person down (Universal Xanax) and red for when the Officials tell you take them.  Not everybody knows what the red one does....yet.....

In this modern-day take on the Banned Book The Giver, controlled perfection is examined, as well as the measures a government would take to keep that perfect level in society, through the eyes of one citizen, the daughter of a lower-level Official tasked with disposing of literature and art that was left over from the fall of the society that existed before theirs: our society.  Nobody is allowed to outright create new things.  But one Matching later, Cassia is in the middle of a major conspiracy, one even she never knew about.

This definitely gives a much needed update to The Giver, which made it onto The American Library Association's List of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000.  It's been added to the Banned Books list but celebrated and even a required read for middle school students.  Hopefully, Matched is the Microsoft Surface to The Giver's Mac Book Pros. (Don't hate me for the comparison....just understand it.)

Stay tuned for an examination on Banned Books!

Edit: I added an image of the cover to this review....hope you like it....

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